License Unless Program Switcher is registered, it will work only 50 times between each computer restart. You may install Program Switcher onto your computer free of charge for up to 2 weeks. After that time, you must either remove Program Switcher completely from your computer or pay a one-time registration fee of US$10 for each computer on which you have Program Switcher installed. (Site licenses are available.) Program Switcher's archive may be distributed freely by any non-profit organization as long as it is unchanged (compressing and decompressing of the archive file is allowed). Commercial organizations who want to distribute Program Switcher's archive must first obtain permission from Program Switcher’s author, Michael F. Kamprath. Online services, such as AOL and CompuServe, are excluded from this commercial limitation and may distribute Program Switcher's archive freely online. This limitation is intended to prevent CD-ROM companies from distributing old versions of Program Switcher. Obtaining the “latest version” does not exclude a CD-ROM company from obtaining permission first. Permission may be obtained by e-mail. Registration Fee Program Switcher has a registration fee of US$10, which entitles you to a name-based password that will allow you to use Program Switcher more than 50 times per session. To pay the registration fee, please use the Register program included in the Program Switcher archive. This program will generate a registration form for you to pay by check, cash, or credit card. Once you print out the form, please mail it to the address on the form. Do not mail the form to me, as I have contracted Kagi Shareware to process my shareware registrations. You will need to provide some manner in which I can contact you to provide you with your registration password. If you have an e-mail address, please include it. This is the easiest and quickest way for me to send you your password. You may register online through Kagi Shareware. Visit the Program Switcher web page (address below) and follow the "Register Online" link. If you are on CompuServe, you can register Program Switcher online. Type GO SWREG for more information. Program Switcher’s registration code is 6209. Please note: CompuServe will only allow single-user license registrations. Site licensing and customizations are available. The Register program has two options for site licenses: Regular and “World Wide.” If you want a site license that will allow your employees (or students, if you are a school) to install Program Switcher on their personal computers, i.e., computers that are not owned by the holder of the site license, you must obtain a “World Wide” license. This license will authorize anybody directly associated with the holder of the “World Wide” site license to install Program Switcher on any computer that person uses. Custom “About” boxes are available for either type of site license for a $50 fee. Please arrange this in advance. Upgrades from previous versions of Program Switcher are free. Please contact me by e-mail if you need a new password. Be sure to include your customer number. Contacting the Author You may contact me via e-mail at: Since I move often, I do not publish my postal address. If, for some reason, you need to mail something directly to me, please contact me by e-mail first to obtain my postal address. If you need the address of where to send your registration payment, please use the address that is printed on the registration form generated by the Register program included in the Program Switcher archive. If you are on the World Wide Web, please visit the ClaireWare Software web page, which will always have the latest versions of Program Switcher and my other shareware products. The address is: Program Switcher also has its own page: Warranty USE OF THIS PRODUCT, PROGRAM SWITCHER, IMPLIES THAT YOU WILL HOLD MICHAEL F. KAMPRATH HARMLESS TO ANY DAMAGES CAUSED BY THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS PRODUCT. YOU ALSO AGREE THAT MICHAEL F. KAMPRATH CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY OTHER DAMAGES YOU MAY INCUR BY THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT. MICHAEL F. KAMPRATH PROVIDES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF THIS PRODUCT, INCLUDING ITS MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. “Program Switcher” is a trademark of Michael F. Kamprath. “Windows” is a trademark of Microsoft (that company run by Bill Gates).